
Monday, November 22, 2010

Welcome to the table!

Welcome! Welcome to the pilgrim's table of thoughts and conversations. What better way to share life's stories then by enjoying a nice, warm cup of coffee around the table with your friends?

I am a pilgrim. What is a pilgrim? A pilgrim is a person who journeys. Why journey? I have something worth living for - the gospel. I believe the mindset of Philippians 1:12 - live my life "for the furtherance of the gospel." What is the gospel? God sending His Son, Jesus, to this earth as a man to die on the cross for the sins of the world. His death was the payment for the penalty we deserved for our sin. The gospel is also Christ's resurrection from the grave. All those who believe in Christ are saved. I have been gloriously saved from my sin! This is why I travel - so others may hear the gospel.

This blog will be a record of my journeys. I travel August thru May on an evangelistic team. I travel with 9 other adults and 5 children. I live out of a suitcase in people's homes. Every day is an adventure. As we sit around the table together, you'll hear of God's work in my life and in the lives of people I meet. You may also hear of the other things I enjoy such as music, coffee, shopping, and friends. So here goes nothing! Here's a little peak into the life of a pilgrim.


  1. Love it Rebs! -I'll take some creamer with that:)

  2. Glad I found this Reba! Now I can have a touch into your life during the year (since we're SO good at emailing each other :-). Love and Miss you and wish we could have some warm drinks together. Feel like coming up now that you're on break?? :-) You're welcome anytime. Brenden says hi (actually he's screaming right now). Take care - and call me sometime.
    -Megan Albright

  3. Hello pilgrim, I am Diabolos - you should come to my fair where we have better coffee and all the creamer flavors you could ever want. You should bring your friend, faithful. We will have lots of fun together. Afterwards you can stay at the castle of Despair or perhaps you'd feel better after a nice little swim in a beautiful swamp I know just outside the city of Destruction. Then you could serve me as my music secretary next summer.
    Your favorite boss, and mine,
